The Birthing Co

Start Your Growth Journey

We help you evaluate the realism of your goals and create plans to achieve them. Our programs fill you with a positive outlook on life and reignite your desire to succeed, leading you to accomplish your best.


Our personalised life coaching sessions encompass career & business, relationships, leadership, and spirituality. The program is designed to assist you in maximizing your potential, setting your goals, creating a plan to achieve them, overcoming negative mindsets, and cultivating a healthier one, as well as educating and building habits.

Our approach to Coaching

  • To provide you with adequate tools that show you how to set S.M.A.R.T goals.
  • To help you better understand and maximize your strengths and weaknesses.
  • To help you eliminate self-limiting habits and adopt healthy ones.
  • To help you become aware and to provide clarity to make better decisions.
  • To help improve your self-esteem and confidence.
  • To help increase your productivity and overcome laziness and procrastination.

Our Coaching services include

  • The Holistic Life & Leadership Coaching
  • Soft skills training
  • Retirement Transition
  • The Emergence Programme
  • The Transformed Mind
  • Intentional Parenting

Talk to Us

Experience wholeness & Growth
It was a challenge for me before I began therapy because I lacked self-awareness, I put way too much pressure on myself, and I also suffered from trauma. Through therapy, I have gained a great deal of self-awareness, it has helped me own my successes, and be proud of them and I have been equipped with tools to help myself despite the trauma I have endured.
Before therapy, I felt helpless, fearful, and anxious about the future. I was dissatisfied with my life and I was always overthinking. It was a real pleasure working with my therapist. I appreciated her practical approach. She was firm and challenged me throughout the program. Every session left me with something to think about and work on. As a result of therapy, I've gained a more positive outlook on life, I'm more confident when making decisions, and I've also learned how to go about relationships and socializing.
Before joining the programme, I had poor work ethics and organization skills. But my attitude towards work and life has improved significantly since then. It was also a great experience working with my coach.
I needed help in dealing with past trauma that had been negatively impacting my health & relationships. Through therapy. I was able to identify unhealthy patterns that developed in my childhood/ upbringing as well as in my relationships. The sessions really helped me take the first step towards my healing journey. I'm super grateful for my therapist who did an amazing job in guiding me on a path to healing.

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